How Can You Buy Safe Armodafinil For Cheap?

 Armodafinil is a super-effective eugeroic commonly marketed under the brand name Nuvigil. It is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and two other sleep disorders [1]. However, it is commonly used off-label as a cognitive enhancer by students and professionals from all walks of life to gain a competitive edge and increase productivity.

Armodafinil is similar to modafinil in terms of function and structure; however, it produces a slightly stronger and longer-lasting effect at a lower dose. It is 1.33 times stronger, and to put this in perspective, a 150 mg armodafinil dose produces the same effect as modafinil 200 mg. Note that a lower drug dose translates to a lower risk of side effects. Consequently, individuals who find modafinil 200 mg intolerant may find armodafinil 150 mg OK [2].

Although the FDA is against armodafinil’s off-label use, many people continue to take it because of its incredibly high level of effectiveness and low risk of side effects.

Some off-label benefits of this drug are as follows:

  • 12+ hours of alertness and laser-like focus;
  • improved memory retention;
  • faster information processing speed;
  • increased concentration;
  • improved motivation.

Note that armodafinil is not without side effects; consult a doctor before taking it.


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